Rion and her sisters Lauren and Julia were abducted from Vancouver, Canada to Japan September 2009.
My eldest child. Today is your 9th birthday and there is nothing more I would like than to spend it with you. Unfortunately I cannot come to see you today. It is most certainly not because I don’t want to, but simply that I cannot come to Iwaki today. I will be sending you a card and a letter to tell you how much I love you my sweet darling.
I would dearly love to be able to call you or skype you today. Alas, I cannot do that either because your mom just won’t give me any contact information. I know that you are not allowed to use the iPad I gave you last November. It is a shame because as you know it has skype on it and we would be able to see and talk to each other.
I want you to know that nine years ago today you came into this world and daddy has loved you with all of his heart since. You will always be so very special to me Rion. You will always be my firstborn child, the girl who changed my world and enabled me to discover a love beyond description. I will always be here for you. For whatever you need. I will never stop working to be with you my love.
I hope you have a fantastic birthday today, with lots of fun and gifts and friends!
I will see you soon and I will bring you some lovely birthday presents that you will be sure to like my sweet girl.
With love,