U.S. Capitol, S-115
Members of Congress (Invited)
International Parental Child Abduction: A Unifying Issue for Congress
Use the Tools
Accountability and Returns Under the Goldman Act
International Parental Kidnapping Crime Act of 1993
Improving Victim Response and Charging Rates under federal IPKA statutes
Two Teen Survivors Share Their Experiences
Count Children, Not Cases
Affecting Data-Driven Solutions in the Departments of State and Justice
What American Families Need from Congress
Congressional Solutions through Casework, Legislation and Oversight
Dr. Noelle Hunter, mother of an American child abducted to Mali
Co-founder and President of iStand Parent Network and Coalition Partner
view written remarks
Ravi Parmar, father of an American child abducted to India
Co-founder of Bring Our Kids Home and Coalition Partner
Jerry Pfeifer, survivor of international parental child abduction
Leo Zagaris, survivor of international parental child abduction
Jeffery Morehouse, father of an American child abducted to Japan
Co-founder and Executive Director of Bring Abducted Children Home and Coalition Partner
view written remarks
Formal Remarks by Members of Congress:
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell*
U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (by video provided to The Coalition)
U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein (in a statement read by her staff)*
U.S. Representative Chris Smith*
*not included in the briefing video